**Commitment & Teamwork:** Imagine you are in the middle of an FGC team meeting session and you notice a teammate struggling with their part. How would you respond in this situation?
**Advocacy and Outreach:**As a member of the national FGC team, you would also serve as a STEM ambassador. Can you share your ideas on how you would promote interest in robotics and STEM fields among your peers and the wider community?
**Innovation & Creativity:** In order to achieve the goal of competing internationally and bringing awareness to the importance of inspiring youth to use STEM to solve global problems, the national team will need to fundraise. What are some ideas you would contribute to the team for raising the funds necessary to compete?
Availability in July (Select all that apply)
Availability in August-September (Select all that apply)
Are there any dates that you will not be able to meet with the team? Please indicate them in the box.
Availability for volunteering as a STEM ambassador (Select all that apply)
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
I understand that being invited to train with the FGC Puerto Rico team is the next step in forming a part of the team. I understand that the final determination of official delegate to the FGC Puerto Rico team will be based off of effort, commitment, and responsibility demonstrated during the team meetings.
I understand that if I am not selected as an official delegate this year, should I still be in High School next year, I will be considered as a priority candidate for next year’s team – assuming demonstrate exemplary levels of effort, commitment and responsibility during this year’s meetings.